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Knock Knees

about knock knees

Knock knees (Genu Valgum) in children What are knock knees? Knock knees, medically known as genu valgum, is a condition where a child stands up straight, and their knees tilt inward while their ankles are spaced apart. This alignment issue is typically noticeable when a child stands with their knees touching and feet apart. What […]

Bow Legs

Bow Legs Humans have a keen eye for what is normal or abnormal. The great artist and philosopher Leonardo da Vinci’s sketch of the Vitruvian man shows us the perfect geometric proportions of a human body. An understanding of lower limb alignment must first start by knowing what is the normal lower limb mechanical alignment. […]

Paediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries

Paediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries Paediatric ACL injuries are on the rise due to an increase in the level and number of organized sports amongst children. This injury can be devastating, and career-ending even for some athletes: Yet due to recent advances in medical science, especially in ACL reconstructive surgery, there have been […]